Courage, loyalty, friendship, respect for sober industriousness and one’s word given, virtues in which we recognize ourselves and on which we focus our work.

About Us

Unio Legal

For us at Unio Legal, the most rewarding work is the one carried out “together” with our clients with whom we share challenges and goals, through a proficient and dynamic approach that is able to promptly respond to any type of need and request.

We want to characterize ourselves as real “partners” of our customers, including foreign ones, guaranteeing – through efficiency and continuous updating – high levels of legal consultancy in the fields where we operate.


Labor Law

Legal assistance in the form of consultancy as well as judicial assistance in the field of individual and collective labor disputes and social security disputes.

Privacy e Compliance

Assistance and consultancy aimed at providing suitable legal support to companies, in order to allow them to proactively comply with laws, regulations, policies, contractual obligations and market standards…

Corporate Law

Legal assistance in the form of consultancy as well as judicial assistance in civil, ordinary and arbitration proceedings.

Insolvency proceedings

Consultancy and assistance to the insolvency proceedings bodies in the context of meetings with trade union organizations

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